Lithafest – Sommersonnenwende 20./21.06.

Wünsche Euch allen ein wunderschönes Lithafest!



An diesem Tag steht die Sonne (Sol) an ihrem höchsten Punkt und somit haben wir den längsten Tag und die kürzeste Nacht – der Feiertag des Lichts! Feiere diesen Tag, an dem Träume und Wünsche aller Art, ausgedrückt werden sollen und auch in Erfüllung gehen. Dieser Tag ist der Fruchtbarkeit gewidmet. Es herrscht ein hohes Potenzial für die Frauen, die einen Kinderwunsch haben!

Die Natur steht in voller Blüte und im Höhepunkt ihrer Fruchtbarkeit und ist erfüllt vom Licht. Vom 21. auf den 22. ist der magische Zeitpunkt des Jahres, da dies die Nacht der Liebeswünsche ist. Paare springen zusammen über das Johannisfeuer und besiegeln damit ihre Liebe. Das Wasser ist in dieser Nacht ebenfalls mit besonderer Magie erfüllt und Du kannst damit ein besonderes Reinigungs- oder Aufladungsritual z.B. für Talismane und Heilsteine zelebrieren. Viele Pflanzen und Kräuter sind in dieser Nacht mit magischen Kräften aufgeladen und können gesammelt werden.

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La Luna FullMoon 09th of June




At the 9th of June the smallest Lady FullMoon of the year and till 2029, will take place.

During the night from Friday to Saturday she will be floating through the secret constellation of Ophiuchus and have a close meeting (2°) with the big teacher, Saturn – who is traveling through his planet-loop and is back in Ophiuchus since mid of May 2017.

This is big karma time!

The FullMoon is exactly at 15:19h (German time).


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Breaking News: Comey fired – as predicted in October 2016!




Lady Luna in Libra 09.05.2017

As analyzed last October, James Comey’s career as head of the FBI is toast.

Saturn Retro in Ophiuchus  mastered him with serious and painful lessons, which cost him his career – and – he won’t be finished yet. Saturn activates karma and when he travels through his planet loop, he represents the double karma.

But the future lessons of Saturn won’t be he is only problem. In the coming years, Comey will be trapped between the nasty DragonTail, Saturn and Pluto. All this indicates death, drama and heavy losses.

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Lady FullMoon in Libra 10.05.2017




Text in English & German

The Lady FullMoon in the balancing zodiac sign Libra, marks a trend of increased social interactions and concerns about the deep psychological issues as well as the public relations. The handling of marital affairs, legal matters and also the close personal relationships, will be evidenced in the coming two weeks.

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Imbolc (Lichtmess) – Das Hexenfest am 1. & 02.02.

Imbolc (Lichtmess) – Das Hexenfest

 1. & 02.02.



Anfang Februar ist das Imbolc- Hexenfest! In der keltischen Mythologie ist dies das Fest der Unschuld und der Hoffnung.

Nun wird die Freilassung der großen Göttin gefeiert. Während der dunklen Jahreszeit verweilte die Göttin bei ihrem Gott in den Tiefen der Ewigkeit. Mit Imbolc beginnt die Zeit, sich der Verantwortung gegenüber dem neuen Leben bewusst zu werden. Der große Gott gibt seine Göttin frei und erlaubt ihr, das Land fruchtbar zu machen.

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NeuMondin im Sagittarius & die Sterne an Silvester!

NeuMondin im Sagittarius 29.12.2016 7:53h

zunehmende MondinTaurus10.04.2016Picture: Copyright MoonSurfer


Mit der letzten NeuMondin in diesem aufregendem Jahr beenden wir den Zyklus des Sol-Jahres. In diesem Jahr fällt sie in die magischen Rauhnächte und liefert uns Energien für das Neue. Für Rückschau und Bereinigung. Für Jahresbilanzen und den Blick über die Grenzen hinaus. Noch bis Ende Januar 2017 ist die Merkur Correction Wave aktiv, Saturn befindet sich auf seiner langsamen Reise im geheimnisvollen Ophiuchus und wird sich ab Mitte Februar dem Sagittarius zuwenden. Viele schwierige Prüfungen werden diesen auferlegt. Dem freiheitsliebende Sagittarius (geb. zwischen dem 18.12. – 20.01. Echtzeit!) wird die Begrenzung durch das Saturn gar nicht gut gefallen…

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Happy Yulefest! 21.12.



Julfest –Wintersonnenwende 21.12./22.12.

Das Julfest oder auch „die zwölf Rauchnächte“, Wintersonnenwende, Mittwinter – Rauhnächte, Rauchnächte, Losnächte, Weihennächte/Weihnachten oder Joablot – das sind all die Namen die dieses Fest in der Geschichte bekommen hat.

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Russia: The Deceiving Killing Of A Diplomat & Ambassador


Russia, the Bull. Once again I really try hard, to make you understand, that Russia in not a Bear anymore.

Let me explain: after the great fall of the communist Russia, there was a the re-birth. Since June 1990 it is called the “Russian Federation”. The Russian Federation was born, while in real-time astronomical calculation, Sol appeared in the constellation of the Taurus (Bull).

A real Taurus is born between the 14th of May and the 18th of June.

That is why the Russian Federation is a Bull. A Taurus.

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Merkur Correction Wave im Sagittarius



Planeten im Ausnahmezustand

Merkur Correction Wave im Sagittarius

Es ist wieder so weit – pünktlich zu den Festtagen kommt Merkur in Fahrt und vollführt erneut seine legendäre Planetenschleife.

Ab ca. dem 10. Dezember 2016 bis Ende Januar 2017 müssen wir uns auf den „Ausnahmezustand“ des rückläufigen Merkurs einstellen.

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Astronomology: La Luna NewMoon In The Secret Constellation Ophiuchus

Picture: Stelarium Astronomy Software

Picture: Stelarium Astronomy Software 29.11. Sol, La Luna, Mercury and Saturn have a heavenly meeting in the Secret Ophiuchus.


29.11. 13:18 Lady NewMoon in Ophiuchus: Secrets Inside

…last night, while you where asleep, La Luna entered the mystically Scorpius. Since just a little piece of this large constellation touches the ecliptic, in just a few hours her visit in Scorpius is short – she enters the secrecy of the constellation Ophiuchus and will meet up with Sol for a NewMoon at 13.18h today.

Sol has left her short travel through Scorpius and enters Ophiuchus at 16:54h.

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USA: Mike Pompeo – Another Dark Energy in Trump-Government?!


Once again, my analysis have been proofing right. I warned you about Trump! I really feel sorry, for the American people…

12 Facts About Mike Pompeo, Trump’s Pick for CIA Director

Here’s where the Kansas Republican stands on torture, surveillance, Muslims, and more.

6. Pompeo thinks Edward Snowden should be put to death.

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USA: The Great Fall Of The Clinton Dynasty!



Now, it even goes mainstream! Daily Mail read my analysis?

Flashback September 2016 MoonSurfer Astronomology

“The Clinton-Dynasty will come to an end, as their whole life falls apart. Also they will learn, karma (Saturn) always come back. No way to escape. No tricks, no magic and no Wall-Street-money helps.”


Death of a dynasty that was rotten to its core: After 40 years of sex, lies and scandals, the Clintons are to leave public life beset by a crushing humiliation

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USA: Implosion As Predicted?

USA: Implosion As Predicted?


In my analysis at the 31.10.2016 I wrote:

“Multiple violent conflicts will break out! Even death could be the possible result. The US could face a real hard implosion.”

Now, the Master of War, violent conflicts and impulsive acts, has a secret meeting with the planet Pluto of the underworld in the chart of the USA. That is the opening energy, which will steer up extremely conflicts all the way into the 2017.

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USA: Clinton Speech After Her Great Election Loss – Podesta Invisible To Her?

You have to see, what she did with Podesta!

Here you can watch her speech after the great loss of her election. Watch it all the way to the end. Interesting how she ignores Podesta. You see her walking around hugging all kind of people, while Podesta stood there…waiting…waiting  and she fully ignores him! So, I guess, he is toast now. Finally, he walks away…


USA: Pluto, Saturn, DragonTail And The Future Of Donald Trump





Pluto, Saturn, DragonTail and the future of Donald Trump

Now, the most bizarre, dirtiest and scandalous election of the USA is over and Trump is elected. I told you – since 2015 – over and over again: Clinton will never ever move into the White House. I told you, the Clinton-Dynasty will fall.

The messages of the stars have been right.

Now, with a total shocked world, Trump is the elected President Nr. 45 of the United States of America. Right after the news was out, many stocks went down and the Canadian immigration website crashed.

How will it go on with Donald Trump? Will he really move into the White House? Even he is legally elected to become the next president of the US, it is not a guarantee, that he moves into the “Oval Office”. His enemies will be more active than ever before.

Trump is the most endangered person on this planet.

Analyzing his stars, there are more than one warnings between now and January 2017.

He is already in a very long trend (started in 2006 till 2024), where ideas concerning romance, sex, personal creative expressions, speculative endeavors and “gambling” must be reconstructed. There might be already matters of serious consequences where children are involved. In extreme cases, the lives of children are endangered!

Here are deeply plutonic energies at work and bring the past/karma back to life. He might be forced to learn the difference between the constructive and destructive uses of sexual activities in general. Romance during this trend are apt to be filled with intrigue, secrecy, as well as jealousy and foul play.

From now till end of February 2017, he will have to face the hard truth of his own unrealistic endeavors and promises. This is related to businesses, religion, educational, political and organizational areas.

He will have to learn the hard way, that his sweet-winning promises to the American people are nothing else than a nice illusion. Furthermore, his methods and others that are involved, are apt to be impractical and in some cases: badly dishonest. This can also indicate a time when he takes on – again – attitudes of fanaticism than can be overbearing and aggressive, which makes him totally blind of seeing other viewpoints. Often he goes on a crusade to save the world without first reforming himself. Since he is already famous for making decisions by his erratic moods, the stars have extremely difficult energies for him in store. Those who work with him, should be warned: do not depend on diplomacy with him! His self-centered attitude is a cosmic guarantee for real bad conflicts.

In his case, he will be subjected to some form of moral test, that will have a far-reaching effect on future developments and/or evolutionary progresses. He must be remembered to not overlook small actions and deeds because this indicates the way larger issues will be handled.

In the same trend, he will be confronted with the most difficult constellations, the stars can deliver. It usually brings a time of emotional depression often related to family, domestic or financial problems of some kind. He might be burdened by the responsibility of caring another person(s) or a family member who is sick. This will drain his vitality.

But also his shady past with/about women will play a major role. Concerning his health – we should remember he is now 70 years old – could be serious affected from this hard energies.

Under this stars, there may be a tendency to brood about unhappy experiences and misfortune of the past – which has a disintegrating effect on his outlook.

This constellation can build or destroy a person’s professional standing and reputation. This depends upon the past actions and motivations. Profound and irrevocable changes may occur. Particularly relative to career/politic and important personal relationships. In extreme cases it delivers the death of someone significant to him, such as a close friend, spouse, mentor or even to himself.

While his karmic past rises again in this trend, his life is in great danger!

Be happy, be safe!

Your Astronomologer


Important note: I don’t use astrological calculations and star signs. This is out of date since 2000 years. I go by the real calculations and real constellations of Astronomy. This is real-time Astronomology!

WikiLeaks: Exposing “Black Magic” Of Podesta


I told you they are using bizarre occult rituals. All rituals that are connected to blood, sex and torture/pain/death is black magic.

From the 3rd of November till the 6th of November, Lady Luna is meeting up with Pluto, the Master of the Underworld and we can be sure, that more stuff like this will be exposed. Satanists also like to include kiddis/animals to their shocking rituals.

The world will be very shocked about what is still waiting  to come to light. Just wait, when Sol is traveling Scorpius later in November and meeting up with the transit Pluto between the 18th of December and the 20th of January 2017.

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USA(S)Election: Trump And The Money-Masters



I told you: don’t trust him!

Trump Wants Former Goldman Partner And Soros Employee To Serve As Treasury Secretary

Six months ago, Steven Mnuchin became finance chair for the Trump campaign. Having successfully helped to raise 10s of millions of dollars for the campaign, the former Goldman Sachs partner and Soros Fund management employee is now positioned for something much larger as Donald Trump reportedly told his aides today that he wants Mnuchin to serve as his Treasury Secretary.


Ironically, Trump has often criticized Clinton (and his former competitor Ted Cruz) for their links to the big banks:

“I know the guys at Goldman Sachs. They have total, total control over him. Just like they have total control over Hillary Clinton,” Trump said in one debate.

But as we noted previously, he had no qualms, however, in hiring one of the most prominent Goldman alums to raise money for him.

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Germany: Deutsche Bank – I Warned You!


I warned you before – if you deal with the Deutsche Bank, get your money out!

Don’t Look Now

But The Most Systemically Dangerous Bank In The World Is Tumbling Again

Remember Deutsche Bank? It seems ‘hope’ for a deal – and a capital raise – are fading fast.


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US(S)Election: Clinton – The Bad News Won’t End!

August Schwanenteich 2015 002
How much she still need, to accept, that she won’t move into the White House? You know there is a saying: American Presidents are not elected, they are selected.
In this special case, we have this: the one that is selected won’t make it. The one who might could make it, is not selected.

NO election?!

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Wikileaks emails: to paint a picture of how this money is being put to work – even anecdotally.

Germany donated to the Clinton Foundation to promote the Keystone XL Pipeline! Germans, YOUR tax-money @ work…

What is the Keystone XL Pipeline?




There is a pretty interesting email exchange in wikileak, about sorting out the mess of foreign government donations:

“It would be nice to paint a picture of how this money is being put to work – even anecdotally.”

Nice puzzle of seperating donations of endowment and/or specific project. We also learn, how the Clinton Foundation collected international money for the controversial Keystone XL pipeline.

“Recent donors include the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Australia, Germany and a Canadian government agency promoting the Keystone XL pipeline.”

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US(S)Election: Hillary – Rocked By Saturn, Pluto And The DragonTail!

FLASHBACK 13th of April 2015 – my short analysis of Hillary Clinton:

“I personally, would be not surprised, if she not even make it to the election day at the 8th of November 2016. Even Lady Clinton will have to learn: when the stars rock you, it’s Saturn who shatters your world and wakes up the karma!”


Hillary Clinton answers questions about the FBI reopening a probe into her use of a private email server on Oct. 28, 2016. (Jewel Samad / Getty-AFP)

Democrats should ask Clinton to step aside

Has America become so numb by the decades of lies and cynicism oozing from Clinton Inc. that it could elect Hillary Clinton as president, even after Friday’s FBI announcement that it had reopened an investigation of her emails while secretary of state?


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US(S)Election: Hillary Meeting Her Very Bad Karma Soon!


As I predicted back in 2014, Saturn, Pluto and the nasty DragonTail will dig out all the hidden skeletons and her enemies will line up to grill her.

Hillary To Be Arrested?


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