USA: The Great Fall Of The Clinton Dynasty!



Now, it even goes mainstream! Daily Mail read my analysis?

Flashback September 2016 MoonSurfer Astronomology

“The Clinton-Dynasty will come to an end, as their whole life falls apart. Also they will learn, karma (Saturn) always come back. No way to escape. No tricks, no magic and no Wall-Street-money helps.”


Death of a dynasty that was rotten to its core: After 40 years of sex, lies and scandals, the Clintons are to leave public life beset by a crushing humiliation

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Hanjin: I Told You the Stars Don’t Look Good For Hanjin!


Hanjin has some more hard times ahead. With the transiting Saturn in full tension to freaky Uranus in their chart, the crisis concerning the professional responsibilities will gear up some more. The problems with the attitude and the authority of the established structure won’t come to an end. Be ready for some more bad surprises, as the persons in charge, thinking they deliver brilliant solutions and ideas, which will actually be a series impractical and unworkable plans. Sadly, Hanjin has a delicate past of corruption, scandals and even deaths.

Karma always come back presenting the price tag.

Hanjin Shipping Dumps 60% Of Workers

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USA: The Clinton Skeletons on CBS-Mainstream!




I told you, Saturn & Pluto will wake up her karma big time …

The List of Clinton Associates Who’ve Died Mysteriously. Check It Out.

This list has been around for awhile, but worth a re-post. I’m not the conspiracy type, but this is just TOO coincidental. – Heidi Harris


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USA: Saturn Rocks Hillary Big Time – As Predicted in 2014!

Clinton in free fall!

Part of my analyze I did in April 2014:

Any negative attitude she lives out especially in this expanded period, when Saturn stumble through the 1st house, it will be a time of separations her from others. This is not the time for her to go public and expand, it is the time to follow Saturn’s isolation and rules.
Her personal ambitions will lead her into the classical Saturn trap. Actually, this is her personal Pandora’s box, waiting to be (re)opened soon.
Her personal ambitions are the path to serious difficulties and obstacles and they are linked to legal, governmental and partnership issues. All this will be deep connected to her and Bill Clinton’s past. A separation or even divorce and a melted circle of friends/money, seems to be the result.
Old wars and war activities turn up again and focused by the strong legal authorities. Partnerships, cooperation’s and co operations – mainly those kept in secrecy – will pop up in a total new light and sharp questions by the governmental authorities will be the result. Of course it is also about money. But anyway, Saturn (authorities) makes sure, there is no escaping. The sharp questioning will not go away. So to speak, they are carved in stone. They will keep coming back.

Even important and so called solid cooperation’s, will bounce.

There are no selfish motivations and/or ambitions allowed, when Saturn is around.

I personally, would be not surprised, if she not even make it to the election day at the 8th of November 2016.

Even Lady Clinton will have to learn: When the stars rock you, it’s Saturn who shatters your world and wakes up the karma!


Mercury Retro: Surfing into Clinton’s Past


Back in October 2015, six days before her birthday, Clinton decided to quit the race, to escape the Benghazi-trap. But there are powers behind the public eyes. Powers who made sure, she keeps going.

Thirteen minutes later, this:

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USA/Clinton: When the Stars Rock you, it’s Saturn who Shatters your World and Wakes up Karma!

In April 2015, I already analyzed the US Election and Clinton.

I wrote:

Last time at the election day, the negative DragonTail was melting the “power” away in the Clinton Chart and the stars decided extremely wise, for denying her the seat in the oval office.

Well, this time, it will be Saturn/Capricornus/Pluto/Cancer, delivering their forceful energies. What is the nature of this energies? They proof the sense of responsibility and seriousness – especially all things connected to legal/illegal issues. He delivers difficulties, delays and serious obstacles – in her personal area. Having Saturn around so closely, affects always the health section and wakes up the sleeping diseases or malfunctions (digesting system/blood system) of the body on a serious level. The cosmic energies also point to secret/hidden diseases for her and/or her husband Bill.

I personally, would be not surprised, if she not even make it to the election day at the 8th of November 2016.

Even Lady Clinton will have to learn: When the stars rock you, it’s Saturn who shatters your world and wakes up the karma!

There are rumors in the net, about Hillary is faking this. This is with cosmic guarantee not faked. This is real. Her life is in danger! Strange is, that you don’t see Bill around her or hear any statement from him… He was not there, when she collapsed…

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Saturn – The Serious Karma – Rocks the Clintons again – won’t go away!


Flashback 13.04.2015:

Hillary Rodham Clinton & Stars : “Everyday Americans need a Champion. I WANT to be that Champion.”

 Hillary Rodham Clinton: “Everyday Americans need a champion. I want to be that champion.” Now, it is official – Lady Clinton is running for president. “Everyday Americans need a champion. I want to be that champion.” – is one of her quotes for the election in November 2016. Well, Lady Clinton, by analysing your stars, this quote just nailed it to the point: …WANT to be that champion. Well, wanting something, is no guarantee for getting it and by the way, the Americans needs MIRACLES, not champions… Let us joy a mini time travel to the past. Exactly it is the date of the election on November the 4th, when Hillary was running against Obama, we pick. I guess, that lection back than, was not enough. Ok, she want to be tough, I understand that. If Obama really “won” and had been elected or actually selected, is another story.

Last time at the election day, the negative DragonTail was melting the “power” away in the Clinton Chart and the stars decided extremely wise ….

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Deutschland: Middelhoff vs Gläubiger (Karma)

Wie bereits in der Vergangenheit analysiert, sehen die kosmischen Energien für den Herrn Middelhoff gar nicht förderlich aus. Saturn im Retro in der Libra, Merkur Retro im Taurus, der destruktive DragonTail im Pisces und Jupiter seit 10.Juni wieder im Leo. In diesem speziellen Fall ist die Vergangenheit multipliziert wieder auferstanden und für Herrn Middellhoff wird es keinen Hinterausgang, keinen doppelten Boden oder Entrinnen geben.


Deutschland: Middelhoff – Dragontail @ work


Früherer Arcandor-Manager Middelhoff muss nun doch um seine Villa bangen

Vor seiner Privatinsolvenz soll der frühere Arcandor-Manager Middelhoff Millionen verschoben haben – zum Schutz vor den Gläubigern. Nun hat ein Gericht den Insolvenzverwalter ermächtigt, das Geld zurückzuholen.
