“USA-Wasserkrieg”: Kein Geld? Kein Wasser!

Ja, so was machen Plutokratien…ich hab Dir gesagt, überall auf der Welt gibt es neue “Wasserkriege”, durch den destruktiven DragonTail in einem Wasser-Sternbild.
Wassermangel bedeuten: Krankheiten, Verwahrlosung, Schmutz, Parasiten, Hunger, Durst etc. – so beginnt ein 3-Welt-Land.

Pleite-Stadt Detroit dreht ihren Bürgern den Wasserhahn zu

Hunderttausende Bürger der US-Stadt Detroit müssen ohne Wasser leben. Die Stadt hat ihnen den Wasserhahn abgedreht, weil sie die Rechnungen nicht mehr bezahlen können. Etwa 40 Prozent der Stadtbevölkerung lebt unter der Armutsgrenze. Die US-Regierung hat bisher jegliche Finanz-Hilfen für die Pleite-Stadt abgelehnt.




Nick Hanauer:Zur selben Zeit, in der Menschen wie Sie und ich über die Träume aller Plutokraten der Geschichte hinaus Erfolg haben, bleibt der Rest des Landes – die 99,99 Prozent – weit zurück.

Herr Hanauer hat mit dieser Aussage mehr ins Schwarze getroffen, als er es vermutlich selbst ahnt. Genau das ist die USA, eine der Plutokratien auf dieser Erde. Zum Leben erwacht, am Tag ihrer Geburt, am 04.July 1776 und ihr wahrer Niedergang wird sich zwischen Mitte 2017 und Anfang 2040 abspielen.

Dann gibt es für die USA einen PlutoReturn (Pluto braucht ca. 248 Jahre um den gesamten Zodiak zu durchlaufen) und eine Vereinigung mit dem GeburtsDragonTail der USA. Konzentrierte destruktive Energie in allen Strukturen der amerikanischen Regierung/Behörden/Ämter/Verwaltungen und staatlichen Einrichtungen. dann wird es eine Transformation für Amerika geben. Vom Weltreich zum 3-Welt-Land. Daran wird das Spähen und Spitzeln, die Drohnen,  hightec Armeen und Roboter nichts ändern. Von 2020 – bis 2040 ist plutonische Abrechnung. Pluto kommt und verlangt SEINE Preise. Doch das amrikanische Volk wird nicht bereit sein, die Preise zu begleichen. Return to sender. Wenn der doppelte Pluto und Terra mit den zwei Drachen am Himmel kämpfen, gehen die Plutokratien in die Knie. Einst, während der Französischen Revolution hieß es: Die Revolution frisst ihre eigenen Kinder. In der kommenden Amerikanischen Revolution ist es die Plutokratie (exzessiver MACHTKapitalismus), die ihre eigenen Kinder frisst.

Doch es bleibt zu bezweifeln, ob diese Revolution nur mit den “Mistgabeln” geführt wird.

US-Milliardär warnt Reiche vor „Revolution der Mistgabeln“

Der amerikanische Milliardär Nick Hanauer hat einen offenen Brief an seine „Mit-Zillionäre“ veröffentlicht. Er mahnt die superreichen Amerikaner, aufzuwachen und sich vor den „Mistgabeln“ in Acht zu nehmen. Es sei nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis die 99 Prozent einen Aufstand wagen.


Dead Bankers don’t Lie/Speak?

Ist das einer der Gründe, warum plötzlich so viele Banker sterben?

Dark Pools: Banken zocken mit dem Geld der Rentner

Banken beteiligen sich nicht nur an Schattenbanken, sie betreiben auch Schattenbörsen, die sogenannten „Dark Pools“. Davon betroffen sind offenbar auch Pensionsfonds, die allein in Großbritannien 600 Milliarden britische Pfund an Vermögen ausmachen, da Pensionsfonds auch in Aktien investieren. Nun ermittelt die New Yorker Staatsanwaltschaft.

…see, I told you there will be more of them:

Another JP Morgan Banker Dead

download (32)

(Joseph P. Farrell) Surprise surprise! There’s been yet another banker death, and once again, this victim is a JP Morgan banker. On this time, rather than jumping off buildings or in front of trains, the victim, 56 year old Ohio resident Joseph Giampapa, was struck by a hit and run driver while he was bicycling. But that’s not all. Here’s the report of the Columbus Dispatch:

Cyclist, 56, struck by minivan in Piqua

Notice anything peculiar about that singularly uninformative news article?

Well, you probably noticed, that since this blog is titled “Yet Another JP Morgan Banker Death”, that there was no mention of Mr. Giampapa’s connection to that bank, which is mighty strange, since there are indicators that he was a bankruptcy attorney and vice president for JP Morgan:

Joseph A. Giampapa – Lawyer Profile

All of these “non-newsy” items, you’ll note, were conveniently left unmentioned in the local newspaper notice. 

Now, I learned about the story from a website that calls itself “Hang the Bankers”, which seems to me to be teleologically, if nor morally, dubious. After all, why hang the bankers, if they’re doing such a splendid job of “wet work” on each other themselves? All we have to do is sit and wait. But anyway, here’s the article

JP Morgan Bankruptcy lawyer killed in hit and run

Now, this little article was interesting, so I decided to click the links in it. Some worked, a couple didn’t, but here’s one that did, and when I read it’s context, I felt that kind of chilly nausea that one has when one’s “worst suspicions” had another slight indicator of corroboration:



30+ Dead bankers and who is killing them ?

Published on Apr 24, 2014

30+ Dead bankers and who is killing them ?30th Banker Dead!

Copy Post from other banker thread


April – Juergen Frick Bank Frick & Co. AG – Shot

April – Jan Peter Schmittmann former CEO of Dutch Bank ABN Amro (Possibly suicide. Gunshot wounds)

Andrew Jarzyk – Assistant Vice President, Commercial Banking at PNC Financial Services Group MISSING

March – Kenneth Bellandro, former JP Morgan, – Suicide

Feb John Ruiz – Morgan Stanley Municipal Debt Analyst, died suddenly – no cause given

Feb – Jason Alan Salais, Information Technology specialist at JPMorgan found dead outside a Walgreens pharmacy.

Feb – James Stuart Jr, Former National Bank of Commerce CEO, found dead

10 – Edmund (Eddie) Reilly, trader at Midtown’s Vertical Group -suicide

Li Junjie, JP Morgan .

Ryan Henry Crane

Feb – Richard Talley Unknown cause

Jan – Gabriel Magee

Jan – William ‘Bill’ Broeksmit

Mike Dueker.

Jan – Carl Slym

jan Tim Dickenson

Nov 2013 Patrick Sheehan Car accident

Dec 2013 Benjamin Idim Car accident

Dec 2013 Susan Hewitt – Deutsche Bank – Accidental Drowning

Nov 2013 Michael Anthony Turner, Career Banker – cause not confirmed

Oct 2013 Michael Burdin, suicide

October 2013 Ezdehar Husainat – former JP Morgan banker killed in freak accident when her SUV crushed her to death

Sept 2013 Guy Ratovondrahona -Madagascar central bank – Sudden death – cause not confirmed

Aug, 2013 Pierre Wauthier, -suicide

Aug 2013 Moritz Erhardt -suicide

July 2013 Hussain Najadi CEO of merchant bank AIAK Group – Assassination

July 2013 Carsten Schloter, suicide.

July 2013 Sascha Schornstein – RBS in its commodity finance -Missing

April 2013 David William Waygood suicide


Nick Bagnall Director at Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi – Son accidentally killed himself while trying to re-enact a Tudor hanging,

Robin Clark – RP Martin -Wolf of Shenfield City banker shot -SURVIVED

Kevin Bespolka Citi Capital Advisors, Dresdner Bank, Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley. Seriously injured and Son Dead

Robert Wheeler, 49, a Deutsche Bank financial advisor, DISGRACED

Chris Latham (Bank of America) ON TRIAL – Murder for Hire

Igor Artamonov, West Siberian Bank of Sberbank – Daughter found dead (Possible suicide)

Humans are simply Evil

ISIL crucifies eight rival fighters, says monitoring group

BEIRUT (Reuters) – Eight rebel fighters have been crucified in Syria by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) because they were considered too moderate, a monitoring group said on Sunday.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which relies on contacts on the ground in Syria, said the men were crucified on Saturday in Aleppo province. It added that their corpses were still on view.

The Observatory said clashes between rival Islamist groups in Syria had killed around 7,000 people since January, as militants from ISIL try to strengthen their grip on territory.

The infighting has complicated the insurgency and drawn in foreign fighters.

ISIL, a radical al Qaeda offshoot group, has captured areas on both sides of the Iraqi-Syrian border after seizing the Iraqi city of Mosul on June 10 and sweeping towards Baghdad.



DragonTailEnergy till 2016: Waterwars

Flucht aus Mossul

Eine halbe Million Menschen sollen die nordirakische Stadt nach ihrer Einnahme durch die islamistische Terrorgruppierung ISIL bereits verlassen haben

Von Karin Leukefeld, Damaskus
Mossul nach den Kämpfen zwischen irakischen Truppen und ISI
Mossul nach den Kämpfen zwischen irakischen Truppen und ISIL-Kämpfern am Dienstag

Mit der Einnahme der nordirakischen Stadt Mossul hat die Gruppe »Islamischer Staat im Irak und in der Levante« (ISIL) – auch bekannt als »Islamischer Staat im Irak und in Syrien« (ISIS) – ihr Einflußgebiet im Mittleren Osten weiter ausgebaut. Regionalen Medienberichten zufolge sollen die Kämpfer den Gouverneurssitz, Regierungsgebäude, Banken, Polizeistationen, Armeeposten, zwei Fernsehanstalten, Krankenhäuser und den Flughafen der Millionenstadt unter ihre Kontrolle gebracht haben. Nach Angaben westlicher Hilfsorganisationen sollen eine halbe Million Menschen aus der Stadt geflohen sein. Die staatlichen Angestellten seien von den Kämpfern über Lautsprecher aufgefordert worden, zur Arbeit zurückzukehren, berichtete Hassan Al-Jubauri (45) der Onlinezeitung Middle East Online per Telefon. Neben Mossul sollen auch andere Orte in der Provinz Niniveh sowie in den benachbarten Provinzen Kirkuk und Salaheddin unter Kontrolle von ISIL stehen. Der irakische Minister für die Wasserressourcen, Muhanad Al-Saadi, sagte, die Kämpfer hätten den Falludschah-Damm (http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/ausland/naher-osten/irak-aufstaendische-setzen-staudamm-als-waffe-ein-12891506.html)
am Euphrat, nordwestlich von Bagdad geschlossen. Damit sei eine der wichtigsten Wasserzufuhren für Zentral- und Südirak blockiert.

Der irakische Ministerpräsident Nuri Al-Maliki kündigte an, die Bevölkerung »und die Söhne der Stämme« zu bewaffnen, »um die Heimat zu verteidigen«. Die Regierung habe einen Krisenstab eingerichtet«, sagte Maliki im irakischen Fernsehen. Er kündigte eine »Umstrukturierung und Neuorganisierung« der Sicherheitskräfte an und forderte das Parlament auf, den Notstand zu verhängen. Der irakische Außenminister Hoshjar Zebari, der der Demokratischen Partei Kurdistans (KDP) angehört, erklärte, die kurdischen Streitkräfte würden an der Seite der irakischen Truppen gegen ISIL kämpfen.


Wart rationing start in some large cities in Iran: report

TEHRAN – An official at the Waste Water Engineering Company announced on Wednesday that 12 cities in Iran are facing water shortages and water is rationed in some of these cities, the Mehr news agency reported.
Shahin Pakrouh said the water rationing was due to reduced rainfall in the country.
Pakrouh said the cities on the list of having their water rationed in order are: Tehran, Karaj, Hamadan, Ahvaz, Mashhad, and Isfahan.
He called for a voluntary 10 percent reduction in water consumption by the citizens, saying if this matter is not taken seriously, water shortage will escalate.
Over the last 30 years there has been an unprecedented decline in rainfalls in Iran and each year drought has got worse, he stated.
He mentioned water crisis in villages worse than cities since underground water resorts and rivers are drying out.


kOHAT: Jamaat-i-Islami, a coalition partner in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government, has demanded solution to the longstanding problem of water shortage in the posh KDA Town here.

The demand was made at a meeting chaired by district president, Pir Faheem. The meeting also assigned special duties to workers for preparations for the visit of JI amir Sirajul Haq to the district.

The meeting also expressed anger over alleged corruption in government departments in the district and warned that if the malpractices were not stopped, corrupt officials would be expelled from the district.

Meanwhile, the residents of sector 4 and sector 9 of the KDA town said that they were suffering due to shortage of water in the hot weather.


Monsoon weak, city braces for water cut ; PMC asks corporators to take a call

The water available in Khadakwasla dam for the city’s potable water supply was enough to last till July 25. (Source: Photo Arul Horizon ) The water available in Khadakwasla dam for the city’s potable water supply was enough to last till July 25. (Source: Express photo by Arul Horizon )

 The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) administration has asked corporators to decide any water cut aimed at tackling the water shortage in the city because of a below-average monsoon so far. They have put the ball in the corporaters’ court, apprehending   criticism from political parties.   Monsoon has not gathered enough momentum to fill the reservoirs that supply water to the city.
The scene is bleak with rainfall in the country till June 24 dipping 38 per cent from the long period average.
“The irrigation department has apprised us of the water reserve in dams supplying water to the city. It urged the PMC to carry out management of water to ensure the reserve is stretched to last as many days as possible. The technical work on the water management has been prepared, which would be presented at the all-party meeting to be headed by the mayor on Thursday and they will take a decision,” said Municipal Commissioner
Vikas Deshmukh.
The  municipal commissioner said the irrigation department had informed them that there was only 1.96 TMC of water in the dams that supply water to the city and 1.8 TMC of it be available for use considering evaporation and other loss.
There has been some rainfall in the city areas but the catchment areas of the four dams have been more or less dry.  Deshmukh said that there has been no rainwater inflow into the dam and the administration will have no option than take tough measures to streamline available resources.


Sunnyvale council declares water emergency

Posted:   06/25/2014 06:09:58 PM PDT# Comme

Sunnyvale is officially declaring a water shortage emergency.

The Sunnyvale City Council adopted a resolution on June 24 declaring the state of emergency and calling for a 15 percent water use reduction through Dec. 31. The council also added two new restrictions to the city’s water conservation ordinance.

Sunnyvaleans are now discouraged from using potable water to irrigate any outdoor landscaping at any time between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. during daylight saving time, unless the person is using a bucket, hand-carried container, or a hose with an automatic positive self-closing valve.

The duration of watering has also been limited to 15 minutes per day. Drip-irrigation systems and weather-based irrigation systems would be exempt from that restriction.

“We felt that those were just items that made sense to add and this was an opportunity to do that,” environmental services department director John Stufflebean said during the meeting.

After Gov. Jerry Brown officially declared a drought emergency in California in January, city and state officials, along with wholesale water agencies such as the Santa Clara Valley Water District and San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, have been stressing the importance of water conservation.

The city purchases half of its water from the public utilities commission’s Hetch Hetchy Reservoir, and half from the water district, which imports its water from the State Water Project in the Sacramento Delta and the Federal Central Project San Luis Reservoir located on Highway 152, southeast of Gilroy.



Sunnyvale council declares water emergency

Posted:   06/25/2014 06:09:58 PM PDT# Comments | Updated:   4 days ago

Sunnyvale is officially declaring a water shortage emergency.

The Sunnyvale City Council adopted a resolution on June 24 declaring the state of emergency and calling for a 15 percent water use reduction through Dec. 31. The council also added two new restrictions to the city’s water conservation ordinance.

Sunnyvaleans are now discouraged from using potable water to irrigate any outdoor landscaping at any time between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. during daylight saving time, unless the person is using a bucket, hand-carried container, or a hose with an automatic positive self-closing valve.

The duration of watering has also been limited to 15 minutes per day. Drip-irrigation systems and weather-based irrigation systems would be exempt from that restriction.

“We felt that those were just items that made sense to add and this was an opportunity to do that,” environmental services department director John Stufflebean said during the meeting.

After Gov. Jerry Brown officially declared a drought emergency in California in January, city and state officials, along with wholesale water agencies such as the Santa Clara Valley Water District and San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, have been stressing the importance of water conservation.

The city purchases half of its water from the public utilities commission’s Hetch Hetchy Reservoir, and half from the water district, which imports its water from the State Water Project in the Sacramento Delta and the Federal Central Project San Luis Reservoir located on Highway 152, southeast of Gilroy.


Bottled Life – Die Wahrheit über Nestlés Geschäfte mit dem Wasser

Wie verwandelt man Wasser in Geld? Es gibt eine Firma, die das Rezept genau kennt: Nestlé. Dieser Konzern dominiert den globalen Handel mit abgepacktem Trinkwasser.

Der Schweizer Journalist Res Gehriger macht sich auf, einen Blick hinter die Kulissen des Milliardengeschäfts zu werfen. Nestlé blockt ab. Es sei der falsche Film zur falschen Zeit, heisst es in der Konzernzentrale. Doch der Journalist lässt sich nicht abwimmeln. Er bricht auf zu einer Entdeckungsreise, recherchiert in den USA, in Nigeria und in Pakistan. Die Expedition in die Welt des Flaschenwassers verdichtet sich zu einem Bild über die Denkweisen und Strategien des mächtigsten Lebensmittelkonzerns der Welt.








Nestle – Bottled Life (Dokumentation)

arte: Chemie im Wasser – die unsichtbare Gefahr

Konzern-Profite versus Grundbedürfnis – Wasser – Privatisierung

Mit offenen Karten – Der Krieg um Wasser zwischen Israel und Palästina


The most stunning Map of Threats against the White House and the Presidency

Presidential Threat Map

Displaying a Running List of Threats to the White House and the Presidency


Don’t look like the american people like the actions of their government and President Obama. Like I told you many times before, his shady career, neptunic marriage and doomed alliances are gone. History.

USA: No Luck with Saturn in her LibraEnergy for Madame Clinton

Hillary’s Book Sales Crash After 1st Week; Reviews Disastrous

 While Piketty’s book was divisive, the reviews of Hillary Clinton’s new book “Hard Choices” are downright one-sided – and terrible. That likely explains why, as AP reports, sales have crashed 44% after an already disappointing first week. “Hard Choices” sold just 48,000 copies in its 2nd week; and following the same dismal path as Greenspan, Cramer, and Geithner; has been discounted 40% on Amazon already.


She should have asked for advices from a real Astronomologer, before she started with this project.  🙂 She will face much more troubles concerning health, money and her political carrer. Especially failures, bad decisions and “shady” actions of the past will come back to hunt her. It started already:


..and there is this:

Dick Morris: Clinton’s Benghazi cover-up

…and there is this:


Be ready ready for more to come to light about her.

Nice karma, for someone (maybe) to run in the election as the future president of the USA.




Breath taking pictures…

2014 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest, Part II

Jun 24, 2014 |

The 26th annual National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest is under way, and entries will be accepted for just one more week — until June 30, 2014. First prize winner will receive an 8-day Alaskan expedition for two. National Geographic was once again kind enough to allow me to share some more of the entries with you here, gathered from four categories: Travel Portraits, Outdoor Scenes, Sense of Place, and Spontaneous Moments. Photos and captions by the photographers. [28 photos]

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Kilauea, Big Island, Hawaii. The most extreme place we put our kayakers to paddle to date. (© Alexandre Socci/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest)

A big lizard in Kuwait. (© Khaleel Haidar/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest) #

This photo, taken at the “end of the world” swing in Banos, Ecuador, captures a man on the swing overlooking an erupting Mt. Tungurahua. The eruption took place on February 1, 2014. Minutes after the photo was taken, we had to evacuate the area because of an incoming ash cloud. (© Sean Hacker Teper/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest) #

Living in a Box is living in Hong Kong. (© Norbert Well/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest) #

This is a Western Grey Kangaroo caught lounging in the wineries of the Adelaide Hills in South Australia. This past Autumn has been a spectacular time for wildlife viewing and I got lucky to spot this guy while mountain biking in the hills. Such a funny stance it just begs the question… Have you been drinking? …and or… Are you here for the Winery Tour? (© Greg Snell/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest) #

While on storm chasing expeditions in the Tornado Alley in USA I have encountered many photogenic supercell storms. This photograph was taken while we were approaching the storm near Julesburg, Colorado on May 28, 2013. The storm was tornado warned for more than one hour, but stayed an LP storm through all its cycles and never produced a tornado, just occasional brief funnels, large hail and some rain. (© Marko Korosec/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest) #

On my trip to the small island Heligoland in the north sea, I was able to take a few pictures of these fantastic northern gannets. (© Robert Sommer/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest) #

Fierce Karo warrior with body paint, Omo Valley, Ethiopia. (© Sean Caffrey /National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest) #

While on a trip off Baja, Mexico to unhook live sharks from fishermen’s longlines, we were lucky enough to run into a massive school of mobula rays. The rays were moving quite fast and it was hard enough keeping up with them from the surface, let alone dive down to take a closer look. This photo was taken freediving to a depth of about 60 ft. (© Eduardo Lopez Negrete/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest) #

A female leopard resting on a tree branch in Kwai, Okavango Delta, Botswana. (© Chris Schmid/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest) #

Columbia River Gorge, Oregon. Seeing the shafts of light in the canyon is one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen. It was a surreal feeling being surrounded by the towering cliffs. The only way I could capture this special moment of the weeping walls was after an incredibly torrential rain. I knew I had to get to a shallow portion of the river to unfold my tripod. I was drenched from head to toe by the falling water. Mist and rain covered the camera, but I fired a few shots. As I stood in awe of the scene, the sun broke through for a few seconds and cast God’s rays into the side lit waterfall. (© Peter Lik/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest) #

Seal Loungeroom, taken on Isabella, Galapagos. (© Ryan Essex/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest) #

Clew Bay Pipe Band Piper playing at the Achill Island, Ireland Saint Patrick’s Day Parade. (© Glen McClure/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest) #

I stood at the base of Niagara Falls in Ontario Canada with my camera, tripod and ND filter and 10 million gallons of water per minute. My camera was soaking when I was done and didn’t think I had achieved the effect I wanted, but later found out it was worth taking an involuntary shower compliments of mother nature to get this photo. (© Barry Hodgert/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest) #

Taken during “The Mayana Soora Thiruvizha” festival takes place every March in the small village of Kaveripattinam, India, the day after Mahashivarathiri (The great night of Shiva). (© Mahesh Balasubramanian/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest) #

French Polynesia, Moorea, Tiahura. (© Gregory Bru/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest) #

After hiking for twelve hours out of a nineteen hour trek, it was time to watch the sunrise at Dinosaur Ridge. When we first looked out, the mountains were completely covered by clouds, but within an hour the clouds dropped and this was what we saw. It felt like heaven, and you could hear everyone present for this moment screaming and shouting for joy! I’d never seen something so incredible, I had to meditate and have gratitude to have experienced this. Some locals said that they’d never seen the mountains like this, even in their 40+ years of hiking there. (© Ka Ram Shim/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest) #

I captured this shot end of the day with this amazing color reflection in the water. Yuanyang Yunnan China. (© Thierry Bornier/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest) #




..wenn die Medien schweigen…

Überall in Europa formiert sich Widerstand

von thepeoplesassembly.org

Medien schweigen: London u. Lissabon – Zehntausende gegen EU-Sparpolitik

Von 50 000 bis 100 000 reichen die Schätz- ungen der Demoteilnehmer gegen die  Sparpolitik der Regierung am 21. Juni in London.

Nun wird von den Initiatoren ein großer Streiktag vorbereitet : 10. Juli

Die Menschen protestieren gegen den Krieg, gegen die NATO, gegen die EU, gegen Sozialabbau, für Frieden.

Zum Teil sind es wie in Griechenland oder Spanien Massenbewegungen. Erst am letzten Wochenende gab es in zwei europäischen Ländern wieder Massenproteste gegen Sozialabbau.
Zum einen in Portugal, wo in Lissabon zehntausende Menschen gegen die hohe Arbeitslosigkeit, Kürzungen von Pensionen und von Sozialleistungen wieder auf die Straße gingen.
In London beteiligten sich gestern 50.000 Menschen an einem Protestmarsch, bei dem sie forderten, die Rüstungsausgaben zu senken und nicht die Ausgaben für soziale Aufgaben und öffentliche Dienstleistungen.
Und obwohl der Protestmarsch am Portland Place, dem BBC Hauptquartier, startete, schweigen die meisten englischen Medien.
Kommt einem doch irgendwie bekannt vor.

Mehr hier:



Smart recycling gives people a home

How to Build a Bulletproof & Fireproof House from Used Plastic Bottles

Bulletproof & Fireproof House Made from Used Plastic Bottles

What started as an idea to build a house using discarded water bottles, to help get rid of some of the bottles littering the countryside, while chipping away at a housing shortage in Africa’s most populous nation, turned into a multi-purpose idea for people around the globe.

The idea undoubtedly seemed strange at first: take the plastic water bottles that litter Nigeria’s roads, canals and gutters and allow people to live inside them.

What a group of activists did was come up with a plan to build a house using those bottles, providing what they say is an environmentally smart strategy of chipping away at a housing shortage in Africa’s most populous nation.

With the prototype near the northern Nigerian city of Kaduna now well underway, the group wants to extend its efforts and build more, aiming to unleash what they say is some long bottled-up potential.

Unconvinced? Supporters say those yet to see the structure on the outskirts of the village of Sabon Yelwa can throw stones if they want to. This house is being built to last.

Nineteen-year old mason, Yahaya Musa, checks a wall of made of sand-filled plastic bottles

A man builds a wall with plastic bottles in the village of Sabon Yelwa. A group of activists have come up with a plan to build a house using bottles, providing what they say is an environmentally smart way to tackle the housing shortage problem in Nigeria.


“This is the first house in Africa built from bottles, which could go a long way in solving Nigeria’s huge housing need and cleaning the badly polluted environment,” project initiator Christopher Vassiliu said during a tour of the building.
It is in many ways a marvel to look at. The project was initiated by the Kaduna-based NGO Development Association for Renewable Energies (DARE), with help from foreign experts from Africa Community Trust, a London-based NGO.

Sitting on 58-square metres (624-square feet), the two-bedroom bungalow looks like an ordinary home, but it differs in many ways. When completed, the house whose construction started in June will be used to train masons in building such structures.

It is made from capped, sand-filled , each weighing three kilogrammes, or nearly two pounds.

The bottles are stacked into layers and bonded together by mud and cement with an intricate network of strings holding each bottle by its neck, providing extra support to the structure, while bottle caps of various colours protrude from the cement-plastered walls, giving them a unique look. Those behind the project claim the sand-filled bottles are stronger than ordinary cinder blocks.

“The structure has the added advantage of being fire proof, bullet proof and earthquake resistant, with the interior maintaining a constant temperature of 18 degrees C (64 degrees F) which is good for tropical climate,” Yahaya Ahmad, the project coordinator said.

The bottles are stacked into layers and bonded together by mud and cement

Outside view of a house under construction in the village of Sabon Yelwa. It is made from capped, sand-filled plastic bottles, each weighing three kilogrammes, or nearly two pounds.


With the right adjustments to the supporting pillars the building can be as high as three stories, but can go no higher due to the weight of the sand-filled bottles, Ahmad said.

Situated amidst an expansive irrigation farm, the building consists of a rotunda-shaped living room which connects to the interior via a short corridor.

Two rooms stand opposite with a bathroom and a toilet between them. A side door leads to an open courtyard and the kitchen.

The house is also designed to produce zero carbon emissions as it will be wholly powered by solar panels and methane gas from recycled human and animal waste.

“Nigeria has a serious waste and energy problem, and this project is one small step towards making positive changes,” said Katrin Macmillan, a British environmental activist involved in the project.

“Plastic bottles take hundreds of years to bio-degrade in landfills.”

Construction requires about 14,000 bottles. Huge piles of empty plastic bottles litter the site from donations from embassies, hotels and restaurants.

Environmental experts say Nigeria, a country of some 160 million, throws out about three million plastic bottles daily.

The country is also grappling with a deficit of 16 million housing units that requires a staggering 45 trillion naira ($300 billion) to meet, according to Nigeria’s Federal Mortgage Bank.

Plastic houses are cheap to construct as it costs a quarter of the money required to build a conventional house, said Vassiliu, a Greek national who has been working in Nigeria as a water drilling engineer for 30 years.

Imagine the possibilities! Not only can this concept provide housing for people in third world countries, it can be a basis for homes for people without a lot of money everywhere, as well as a cost-effective way for you to create your own retreat to ride out the coming storm.


Bulletproof & Fireproof House Made From Used Plastic Bottles

Plastic bottles solve Nigeria’s housing problem
