Breaking News: Comey fired – as predicted in October 2016!




Lady Luna in Libra 09.05.2017

As analyzed last October, James Comey’s career as head of the FBI is toast.

Saturn Retro in Ophiuchus  mastered him with serious and painful lessons, which cost him his career – and – he won’t be finished yet. Saturn activates karma and when he travels through his planet loop, he represents the double karma.

But the future lessons of Saturn won’t be he is only problem. In the coming years, Comey will be trapped between the nasty DragonTail, Saturn and Pluto. All this indicates death, drama and heavy losses.

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USA: Implosion As Predicted?

USA: Implosion As Predicted?


In my analysis at the 31.10.2016 I wrote:

“Multiple violent conflicts will break out! Even death could be the possible result. The US could face a real hard implosion.”

Now, the Master of War, violent conflicts and impulsive acts, has a secret meeting with the planet Pluto of the underworld in the chart of the USA. That is the opening energy, which will steer up extremely conflicts all the way into the 2017.

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USA: Clinton Speech After Her Great Election Loss – Podesta Invisible To Her?

You have to see, what she did with Podesta!

Here you can watch her speech after the great loss of her election. Watch it all the way to the end. Interesting how she ignores Podesta. You see her walking around hugging all kind of people, while Podesta stood there…waiting…waiting  and she fully ignores him! So, I guess, he is toast now. Finally, he walks away…


US(S)Election: Clinton – The Bad News Won’t End!

August Schwanenteich 2015 002
How much she still need, to accept, that she won’t move into the White House? You know there is a saying: American Presidents are not elected, they are selected.
In this special case, we have this: the one that is selected won’t make it. The one who might could make it, is not selected.

NO election?!

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Wikileaks emails: to paint a picture of how this money is being put to work – even anecdotally.

Germany donated to the Clinton Foundation to promote the Keystone XL Pipeline! Germans, YOUR tax-money @ work…

What is the Keystone XL Pipeline?




There is a pretty interesting email exchange in wikileak, about sorting out the mess of foreign government donations:

“It would be nice to paint a picture of how this money is being put to work – even anecdotally.”

Nice puzzle of seperating donations of endowment and/or specific project. We also learn, how the Clinton Foundation collected international money for the controversial Keystone XL pipeline.

“Recent donors include the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Australia, Germany and a Canadian government agency promoting the Keystone XL pipeline.”

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Wikileaks email: Hillary almost 100% negative

It is really fun, surfing through the wikileaks emails…

This is a campaign that has never had a compelling rationale and now has lost its way into a sea of negativity…..the way for her to be elected is to solve the first problem, and develop some uplifting reason for voters to support her, and not to create a second problem, running a negative campaign without a positive message and vision…”

Check this one out:

Subject: Hillary almost 100% negative

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USA. 2016 Election – End of Clinton-Dynasty


Not long ago I wrote, that the next chair for Hillary, will be the wheel-chair. The Clinton-Dynasty will come to an end, as their whole life falls apart. Also they will learn, karma (Saturn) always come back. No way to escape. No trix, no magic and no Wall-Street-money helps.—End-of-Clinton-Dynasty