The Big Crash – in 2016?

The signs don’t look good at all. Just like back in 1929, we are surfing now through almost the same cosmic energy for financial areas. The next two month are extremely dangerous for a possible market crash. In September the “hot” days…

Read More:!The-Big-Crash-in-2016/c1lvc/57c5be424730e9cf2f0491e0

Lammas- das Hexenfest 31.08./01.09.

Lammas – Das Hexenfest

Lugnashad/Lammasfest der Göttin Habondias



Habondias ist die keltische Göttin des Reichtums und des Überflusses. Dies ist eines der höchsten Hexenfesttage im Jahr. Mit der Reife der ersten Ernte – nicht nur die Ernte vom Feld – sondern auch unsere Bemühungen, Gedanken und Taten, stehen auch diese Bereiche zur ersten Ernte an! Mit dem Zelebrieren dieses Festes, wird die Göttin gebeten, uns an diesem Überfluss und Reichtum teilhaben zu lassen, dass allen Menschen dieser Welt, Reichtum, Fülle und Zufriedenheit zufällt.

Bei gutem Wetter sollte unbedingt im Freien gefeiert werden. So sieht das Erntedankfest bei den Hexen aus!

Mehr hier:!festejahreskreis/c1aya


Saturn – The Serious Karma – Rocks the Clintons again – won’t go away!


Flashback 13.04.2015:

Hillary Rodham Clinton & Stars : “Everyday Americans need a Champion. I WANT to be that Champion.”

 Hillary Rodham Clinton: “Everyday Americans need a champion. I want to be that champion.” Now, it is official – Lady Clinton is running for president. “Everyday Americans need a champion. I want to be that champion.” – is one of her quotes for the election in November 2016. Well, Lady Clinton, by analysing your stars, this quote just nailed it to the point: …WANT to be that champion. Well, wanting something, is no guarantee for getting it and by the way, the Americans needs MIRACLES, not champions… Let us joy a mini time travel to the past. Exactly it is the date of the election on November the 4th, when Hillary was running against Obama, we pick. I guess, that lection back than, was not enough. Ok, she want to be tough, I understand that. If Obama really “won” and had been elected or actually selected, is another story.

Last time at the election day, the negative DragonTail was melting the “power” away in the Clinton Chart and the stars decided extremely wise ….

Read More:!Saturn-The-Serious-Karma-Rocks-the-Clintons-again-wont-go-away/c1lvc/57c047e1f97b695dfdf48dde



Picture: Lady FullMoon in Aquarius 18.08.2016 Navarro’s MoonSurfer

Mitte August – Ende September > Leo/Virgo

Now the speedy Mercury travels to his planet-loop, called Mercury Retro. This time it will be in the fiery constellation of Leo and the earthy constellation of Virgo.

This is the time where we have the chance, to focus the past decisions and plans from a new perspective. Especially with the Virgo-Energies, we are able to be extremely analyzing and critical – some even to excess.

Read More: Continue reading

Mercury Correction Wave