Russland: Der Bulle zeigt seine Hörner

…um es noch mal in Erinnerung zu rufen: Russland ist 1990 mit Sol im Taurus geboren. Vor Monaten habe ich astronomologisch analysiert, dass man Russland wie auch Griechenland, nicht unterschätzen sollte. Die Griechen allerdings, haben vor allem ein Problem der besonderen Art: Sie haben keinen Putin.

16 Prozent plus

Russia is back: Wie der totgeglaubte Rubel Anleger in Bedrängnis bringt

Russia: Nemtsov Murder – False Flag?

Nemtsov Murder: Putin Warned 3 Years Ago That This False Flag Might Happen (Video)



Note: the Russian word “provocatsiia” is often translated as “provocation” which is not incorrect as long as you are aware that in Russian “provocation” can mean “false flag”, as it does in this context.  Putin is clearly warning about a false flag “sacrifice”.

As for the “liberal” or “democratic” “non-system” opposition it has already announced that it will convert the planned protest into a memorial rally.

We will keep you posted.

Russland: Putin, der Traum des kleinen Mannes?

Tja, Frau Merkel, 1:0 für Putin.

20 Prozent Putin-Steuer!

Reiche Russen müssen ihr Geld nach Hause holen

Dienstag, 20.01.2015, 15:37

Kreditwürdigkeit, Fitch, Ratingagentur, Russland
Drucken Versenden
Kreditwürdigkeit, Fitch, Ratingagentur, Russland
Reuters Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin auf der Pressekonferenz zum Jahresende
Fallende Ölpreise und westliche Sanktionen führten in Russland zur schlimmsten Währungskrise seit 1998 – nun hat auch die Ratingagentur Fitch reagiert und das Land herabgestuft. Die Bonität sinkt damit auf „BBB-“ und eine Besserung ist nicht in Sicht.

Ukraine: Putin – Angriff auf die Weltordnung und auf die Ordnung in Europa?

Tja, lieber Herr Arseni Jazenjuk, das Problem ist aber nicht Russland oder Präsident Putin, das Problem ist, dass die den Menschen aufgezwungene Ordnung(en) – sei es in der Welt oder Europa – keine menschenwürdige oder tierwürdige Ordnung ist. Solange diese jetzige Weltordnung keinen ethischen Kodex besitzt nachdem sie Ziele auslegt und handelt, wird sie eine plutonisch/destruktive Ordnung bleiben und niemals in der Lage sein, Stabilität und Frieden dauerhaft zu manifestieren. Weder in der Welt noch in Europa.

Wir leben jetzt und nicht in der Vergangenheit des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Wichtig ist, daraus  die Lehren, die Erkenntnisse, wenn man sie denn annimmt, um sie zum Wohle aller umzusetzen. Welch ein Glück, dass man den “Deutschen” nicht vorwirft seinerzeit in ihrer Funktion als Germanische Rebellen, mit der vernichtenden Niederlage des Varus, das Ende des Römischen Reiches aktiviert zu haben… Wir brauchen JETZT konstruktive Lösungen und nicht für die Vergangenheit.

Alte Ordnungen fallen. Neue enstehen. That’s history. Wenn die Zeit reif ist und eine alte Ordnung hat ausgedient, dann zefällt sie. Da kann man korrigieren, da kann man flicken und man kann chirurgisch korrekt rumoperieren wie man will –  sei es mit Krieg und Fahnenschwingen oder ohne Krieg. Mit einem Putin und Russland oder ohne. Wenn alte Zyklen enden und neue beginnen, fallen Ordnungen und formieren sich neu.

Leider hat sich in tausenden Jahren nix, aber auch gar nix geändert und der gier-trainierte  Homo Sapiens entscheidet sich immer noch für Feuer und Schwefel! Alle werfen sich demütig in den Staub auf die Knie für Frieden und Stabilität und Wohlstand – und was passiert? Das Chaos wird immer größer. Demonstranten für angeblich die gleichen Ziele bekriegen sich. Religion wird für Politik missbraucht, Politik für Religion. Staaten missbrauchen Staaten und sie mißbrauchen ihre Bürger. Informationen und Daten werden missbraucht. Die Erwachsenen missbrauchen die Kinder, der Chef seine Angestellten und die Banken mit ihren Global Players ihre Kunden… und immer so weiter… Ein System mit Missbrauch? Oder Missbrauch mit System?

Lieber Herr Arseni Jazenjuk, ist das die Ordnung von der sie reden? Ist das die Ordnung auf die sie ihre Karten setzten? Ist das die Ordnung die sie meinen mit dem Tod von anderen Menschen und Krieg und all den widerlichen Begleiterscheinungen die ein Krieg so mit sich bringt, verteidigen und schützen zu müssen?

Wer nur einen Funken Saturn und Jupiter in seinem Hirn hat, führt bestimmt keinen Krieg FÜR solch eine Ordnung, die IHN  ständig missbraucht?! Also bleibt der Weltornung nur übrig auf jene zu bauen, die das noch nicht so richtig erkannt haben, was diejeingen die es sehen wiederum Sorgen und Kopfschmerzen bereitet. Unnötige Sorgen, denn dass ist ja momentan die Aufgabe des DragonTails, den täuschenden neptunischen Nebel aufzulösen und so machem Blinden das klare Sehen ermöglicht. In dieser Funktion ist der DragonTail sowas wie der Navi für diejenigen, die die Realität verloren haben und orientierungslos umherirren.

Also wenn die Weltornung darauf setzt, ist Vladimir Vladimirowitsch Putin astronomologisch gesehen, ohne Zweifel der Schlauere.

Die Weltornung? Welche Ordnung? Die ganze Welt ist ein Chaos und ich kann mich nicht entscheiden, wo das Zentrum ist. Wenn es nicht so bitter ernst wäre, vedient diese Weltordnung den Status des pupertären Zickenkrieges im kosmischen Kindergarten. Waffen sind eigentlich für Kinder verboten – auch für die Großen…

Das ist keine Ordnung auf der Welt, sondern ein globalisiertes Chaos und es heißt nicht Mond sondern Mondin.

Die Ordnung des Herrn Arseni Jazenjuk.

Eine Ordnung, die ihrer Geschichte des Untergangs mit großen und vielen kleinen Schritten entgegen schreitet.  2024 wird es sein im irdischen Kalender, wenn alle Regierungen der Welt ein plutonisches Stell-Dich-Ein mit dem Gott Hades der Unterwelt haben und es wird laaaaaaaaaange… sehr, sehr lange dauern! Viele Regierungen werden zu der Erkenntnis gelangen, dass sie eigentlich ihr eigenes Grab schon längst selbst geschaufelt haben, wenn Hades die vesteckten Leichen aus den plutonischen Gruften der Macht nach oben spült…

Da lohnt es sich, die globale Geschichte von 1776 – 1792, noch einmal unter die Lupe nehmen…

Der Schlüssel der Zukunft ist in der Vergangenheit zu finden. 



“Jaz”, wie der Kiewer Regent von Washington genannt wird, antwortet:

“Deutschland und die Bundeskanzlerin persönlich machen sehr viel, um den Frieden in der Ukraine wiederherzustellen. Und nicht nur in der Ukraine, sondern um die Stabilität in ganz Europa zu gewährleisten. Die russische Aggression in der Ukraine, das ist der Angriff auf die Weltordnung und auf die Ordnung in Europa. Wir können uns alle sehr gut an den sowjetischen Anmarsch auf die Ukraine und nach Deutschland erinnern. Das muss man vermeiden, und keiner hat das Recht, die Ergebnisse des Zweiten Weltkrieges neu zu schreiben. Und das versucht der russische Präsident, Herr Putin, zu machen. Konkret zur Unterstützung: Die Unterstützung liegt darin, dass wir einheitlich bleiben.”


Deutschlands Tanz mit den Faschisten

© REUTERS/ Hannibal Hanschke

13:35 13.01.2015(aktualisiert 14:22 13.01.2015)
Rüdiger Göbel

Der Kiewer Regierungschef Arseni Jazenjuk gibt in der ARD eine irre Geschichtslektion über die “Aggression” Moskaus im Zweiten Weltkrieg, und keiner widerspricht. Die Bundesregierung will sich von der Entgleisung ihres Partners in Kiew nicht distanzieren. Doch es kommt noch besser.

Die Bundeswehr lädt ausgerechnet für den 9. Mai, wenn Russland den Tag des Sieges über Hitler-Deutschland feiert, zu einer großen Tanzveranstaltung in Berlin ein.



Barclay James Harvest “KIEV”



Russia: Congratulation, Russia and to the Russian People!

Russia: “the government will not poison their citizens.”

I told you, Vladimir Vladimirowitsch Putin is Russia’s Jupiter! Russian people, you need to protect the president.

Congratulation, Russia and to the Russian People! Great move!

So, Madame Merkel, your turn… Go ahead,  Make my day!  🙂

Russian President Vladamir Putin signed a GMO Labeling Liability Law, backed by Prime Minister Medvedev who stated, “the government will not poison their citizens.”

Good news: Russia’s President Vladamir Putin has signed the Russian Federation Code of Administrative Offences into law, including a new article which establishes liability for the violation of mandatory requirements for the labeling of food products that contain GMOs.
The bill was signed on the last day of 2014, according to TASS news agency.
First submitted by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Protection and Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor), the bill imposes fines for vague or unclear labeling on food products containing genetically modified ingredients.

Credit: SustainablePulse
Credit: SustainablePulse
According to the bill, individual entrepreneurs have the potential to be fined up to 50,000 rubles ($890), and the products will be confiscated. Business entities could face a fine of up to 150,000 rubles (over $5,300).
As stated by President Putin in 2014, Russia must protect its citizens from over consumption of products containing genetically modified organisms. The Prime Minister of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, followed this statement with a declaration of his own, proclaiming that Russia has no intention to import GMOs, however there are still large quantities of GMO foods being imported into Russia.

Russia’s PresideSigns GMO Labeling Liability Law

Paris: Hollande wanted to keep Netanyahu away from Rally?

…well, he showed up anyway…:

Mon Jan 12, 2015 1:38AM
French President Francois Hollande (R) welcomes Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu before attending a unity rally in Paris, January 11, 2015. ©AFP/Dominique Faget

French President Francois Hollande (R) welcomes Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu before attending a unity rally in Paris, January 11, 2015. ©AFP/Dominique Faget

French President Francois Hollande did not want Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to take part in the mass unity rally held in protest at recent killings in Paris, Israeli media say.

According to Israel’s Channel 2, Hollande sent a message to Netanyahu, asking him not to participate in the unity march as he believed the Israeli premier’s presence there would be “divisive.”


French president says on national TV that the Illuminati is attacking Paris.


…Hollande did, what Vladimir Vladimirowitsch Putin did in his impressing speech from Valdai:

Tough Talk: Putin’s key quotes from Valdai speech

2015 will be the storm of change! Interesting times ahead. With the RetroMercury Wave opening up already, the cosmic energies gives the German folk the chance to clear their fog in the mind…
France, Russia and also Germany are on a delicate hit-list, in great danger! Watch closely what will developes in the coming weeks in the Middle East: Turkey, Armenia, Aserbaidschan, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria – and of course Israel/Palestine.
The coming danger – red dates for “attacks” and negative developments – worldwide – are:


Lady Moon/Saturn/Pluto rules Terra.
18th – 20th
LadyMoon/Jupiter and Pluto rules Terra.
23rd – 26th
LadyMoon/Mars/DragonTail and Uranus ruling Terra.


At the 10th of February starts a very instable trend, which will last till the end of March. Mars, the lord of war, will cross the nasty DragonTail and Uranus, the king of revolution and rebellion. The message of this Mars: “I do what I want and not what you want!”
This is a energy-mix of the Elements water, fire and air. In this period it is wise advised, to stay away from any mass-events, religious motivated actions and countries loaded with dogmatic religious rules and deceiving motivations.
Mars/Uranus/DragonTail will steer up freak accidents, fire/explosions, storms, volcanoes, earth quakes above 6,0 and aeronautic/, problems with ships/boats/submarines, marine life and anything related to the element water, gas/oil, military/police, the weapon- and drug dealers, pharmacies and vaccinations/GM food come to light. This is the energy for assassinations, for high risks and anything related to weapons, guns, sharp instruments, laser weapons, lightning’s, air crashes, electricity failures, explosions and earthquakes – not only on land – also in water! This marks the trend, when the NASDAQ and other international financial institutes take a deep dive, a trend when electronic companies suffer and the organized religions will pay the price for past and karmic actions. This energy will be a demolition of former heroes and their myths! One on the list is Mahatma Ghandi… History will need some serious corrections, when we are through this passage.
Germany will see much more social unrest and protesting via different groups against each other – but united against the government! The mess of which group is supporting their goals, other goals and no goals at all, will rise to a higher level. Pegida and all those groups formed against them/with them, will not be the last surprise in Germany. Since the re-united Germany, the German people are trapped in Neptune’s kingdom, spending their life in a political-religious coma and just takes, whatever comes from up there. This coming weeks will be the time of those, who woke up from the coma and make their voice heard by many followers. They will unite many people against their government and demand reforms, changes and answers – the smell of revolution from 1918/1919 could emerge like the spell of the past into the German streets and homes! So the still open bill to Greece:


…will not be the last surprise, the RetroMercury wave and the karma activates again for Germany!

November – Revolution from 1918 in Germany

And again: be careful for WHO and WHAT you raise YOUR flag for! Don’t fall for Neptune’s deceiving fog and traps.

LadyMoon/Saturn/Pluto ruling Terra .
14th – 16th
LadyMoon/Pluto/Jupiter ruling Terra.
20th – 23rd
LadyMoon/Venus/Mars/DragonTail and Uranus ruling Terra.

From middle of February till end of March:
Be extra careful what and who you trust!


Nato: Russia join the “Anti-Terror Ally”?

The danger in this is, that the Nato knocks on Russia’s door. Looking at the past, all this “Anti-Terror-Ally” dragged us in this evil mess in the first place…
With Sol/Pluto/NeptuneEnergies in Sagittarius it will be wise, to take no action and no agreement now, as of the danger of being trapped in something behind Neptune’s fog. There are important facts missing or hidden in purpose and there is no clear sight. Never, ever sign contracts under a wounded Neptune!

Where Sagittarius, Pluto and Neptune are involved, you always find the Religion’s, their hidden agenda’s and targets. If you find in a state-chart Mars (Military/Police/Energy/Dynamic/speed/male energies/sex etc.) in Pisces or negative to Neptune, all his qualities are soft/weak/deceiving/drugs/traps/secrets/mental illness/antidepressants/hospitals/hidden places. If a man has this constellation, he will have problem’s with sexual life or potency.
Having Mars in such a unlucky position in a state-chart…

NATO calls Russia anti-terror ally after Paris attack

Published time: January 08, 2015 16:01

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg (AFP Photo/John Thys)

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg (AFP Photo/John Thys)

NATO, which was at loggerheads with Russia over the Ukrainian crisis, will be seeking ‘a more cooperative and constructive relationship’ with Moscow in the fight against terror, the block’s chief said after Wednesday’s deadly attack in Paris.


Europe: When US-Military closes bases….

…it is nothing else, than troops being moved. I let you guess, what that new locations will be and what is the real reason for this. This is Sol/Pluto in Sagittarius and Russia will need to watch out for their borders.

Pentagon cutting expenses, consolidating bases in Europe

Published time: January 08, 2015 19:11

Soldiers of the 1st Squadron, 91st Cavalry Regiments of the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Teams (Luftlandebrigade) enter a CH-47 'Chinook' helicopter during an exercise at the U.S. military base in Grafenwoehr. (Reuters/Michaela Rehle)

Soldiers of the 1st Squadron, 91st Cavalry Regiments of the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Teams (Luftlandebrigade) enter a CH-47 ‘Chinook’ helicopter during an exercise at the U.S. military base in Grafenwoehr. (Reuters/Michaela Rehle)

The United States Department of Defense has announced a restructuring of operations in Europe, including the closure of 15 American bases that will be offered over to host nations.

Gemini FullMoon International

Gemini FullMoon International

This full moon lady will have a great impact on energy for the USA, as she is transiting across major planets in the US chart, creating disharmony to Terra and Pluto in America’s zodiac.
The coming two weeks will be a trend of serious concerns, problems and/or even the death for big national and international business, for financial affairs – especially if these are connected to joint funds, investments, taxes, insurance and legacy and it indicates the political/physical death of important and powerful/famous person(s) of the American government.
Since the USA will have a hurting deep Pluto (karma) impact, expect much more headlines in the news about sexual secrets, big money, drugs, child abuse, sex slaves and the connections to global politics, global business/banking, the Royals in the UK and other of the worldwide aristocracy/monarchies, the elite, entertainment business, stars and show business.
Some will fall into the trap of a public egoistical behaviour, offending those they come in contact with.

Speculative financial affairs are on high risk for great losses!
With this energy mix, the past will rise again for the USA and Pluto awakes the dead from their graves, raising their voices for justice… well, Saturn and Jupiter are involved, to take action.
Just like for Germany, the US chart indicates big state-funerals.

For Germany this lady full moon will bring serious trouble with a misdirected sympathy in the day-to-day affairs. Religion, ethnic, culture and/or political views and matters are on the rise again and surface in this trend, sending events of extreme attitudes, which will rise the eyebrows outside Germany’s borders. Since this full moon is in disharmony to Germany’s Neptune/Saturn/Uranus with Pluto also around – big karma will knock on Germany’s door and shocking secrets will be revealed. Mr. Edathy will be not the last one, ending on Pluto’s karmic list. What started – concerning sexual secrets and a Royal being involved – will also impact Germany. Be ready for big surprises!
Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, will have to deal with serious rejections from her own government, from people she thought, they are her friends, which will result later in blocking further plans for her career. There might be popping up secrets about her own past, which indicate a dramatic change about her status quo outside the country. I guess the spying of her friends where extremely fruitful.

She also should watch out for her health and hidden diseases.

The stars of Germany also indicate one, maybe two big state-funeral in 2015 of a former chancellor.

Many people will be misguided in this trend and hold their flag to the wrong cause. Educational, cultural and religious groups/organisations – even their goal looks so nice and bright and shiny – be careful who you get involved with! Be careful who you trust!
Travelling long-distance from and/or to Germany could be connected with serious problems. Bad weather/storms, electronic failures, delays or strikes are to expect.

Russia, the Taurus not the bear, will go through a heavy ride of instability and unexpected developments of a disruptive energy, which will activate sudden events concerning domestic affairs and family relationships, which will be very destructive. Especially woman (female energy) could be act in an unpredictable, an uncooperative way, which is a sign for Russia, to change their view of female energy!
New business ventures/dealings concerning joint finances, taxes, insurance, alimony and inheritance should be transferred to a better time – in a few days.
Relationships to other countries will experience more difficulties –especially because of the dramatic Ukraine issue, the sanctions, the manipulated oil price and major currencies at war (Rouble/Dollar/Euro – I told you, the Euro is a war-currency!!). Confusions, vagueness and shady/untrue information’s will create more fog than clearing it up. Russia need to pull back for a few days about reacting to any attack.
With those negative NeptunEnergies it will be advised wise, that the Russian people stay’s away from any emotional-oriented religious notions. Especially those, who are in the military/police. Russia has some of their secret enemies in the military/police/secret services – this is connected to a religion/cult and it is indicated that there is a controlling problem of some forces. This time it will be the water-borders/ocean, ports, ships, and submarines, that should be in special focus.

A great urgency lies for Russia in a realistic outlook. In practically relationships and safety plans for them and their neighbours – especially when female energy is involved. So Russia has with JupiterEnergy for a few days, the chance to realize the potential, that lies in female energy.
The lady moon always represents woman/female energy and in a state chart, the people.
Just like united Germany, Russia is a very young state, born in 1990 and this means out of the astronomological view: this new Russia is still a cosmic kindergarten of a world society, that is itself still in the cosmic kindergarten.

For Vladimir Vladimirowitsch Putin, this lady full moon has some serious surprises in store. She will activate sudden and unexpected events concerning home/family and the routine and/or family affairs, female energy/woman – so he should stay away from woman in the coming days, especially from Mrs. Merkel…